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306 Rotrex Supercharger kits £1150 SWFCOLogo

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306 Rotrex Supercharger kits £1150 SWFCOLogo
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306 Rotrex Supercharger kits £1150

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306 Rotrex Supercharger kits £1150 Empty 306 Rotrex Supercharger kits £1150

Post by curl666 Thu 04 Jun 2009, 21:16

East Member

Town/County : Rhondda Valleys
Age : 36
Model owned : 1.3 106 Rallye & 16v 106 XSi project
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306 Rotrex Supercharger kits £1150 Empty Re: 306 Rotrex Supercharger kits £1150

Post by Simon Thu 04 Jun 2009, 21:29

These are the copy kits which have not been tried and tested yet and would need an aftermarket ecu to run them, better off with the LYNX kit for a few quid more to buy, its cheaper in the long term as LYNX have worked with rotrex in the development and they only warrant their chargers with a Chipwizards remap, Wayne at Chipwizards has refussed to map these kits so would need an aftermarket ecu but then i dont know if rotrex are giving any warranty on an aftermarket ecu

At the moment this is a very 'Grey' area over on the gti6 owners club

Town/County : Whitland
Age : 46
Model owned : 306 Rallye,xsi-6 207 GT and a DC5
Dream Car : too many at the moment
Points : 39997
Date Joined : 2008-07-14

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