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FCS convoy times SWFCOLogo

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FCS convoy times SWFCOLogo
South Wales French Car Owners club
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FCS convoy times

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FCS convoy times Empty FCS convoy times

Post by Simon Sun 14 Jun 2009, 03:44

tomorrows convoy times are (and these are times that we are Leaving not meeting)

Tenby road filling station Carmarthen 2am

Sarn services jt36 (i think) 3am

Im hoping to get on to the M5 at around 4.30 am where we will stop in worcester south services for about 10-20mins for coffee

Leave services around 5am ish and straight through to the show ground to arrive around 7am hopefully before the big cues build up

Town/County : Whitland
Age : 46
Model owned : 306 Rallye,xsi-6 207 GT and a DC5
Dream Car : too many at the moment
Points : 40007
Date Joined : 2008-07-14

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