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2x Nokia N95 8gb SWFCOLogo

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2x Nokia N95 8gb SWFCOLogo
South Wales French Car Owners club
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2x Nokia N95 8gb

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2x Nokia N95 8gb Empty 2x Nokia N95 8gb

Post by Simon Mon 19 Oct 2009, 23:36

I have 2 Nokia N95 8gb phones both work great

Phone Number 1
2x Nokia N95 8gb DSCF8867

I have owned this 1 for almost a year and has been a great phone its got a few albums on it and a few full length films there are a few marks on the phone but nothing major

Phone Number 2
2x Nokia N95 8gb DSCF8868

This 1 i bought for the mrs a few months back as her phone was playing up but she prefers a sony so stuck with them i have put a few albums on it

2x Nokia N95 8gb DSCF8866

Both phones are Vodaphone branded but have been unlocked and 1 has been used on o2 the other on 3 with no issues both have the boxes tv cable headphones and mains charger

i have been on a few sites that buy 2nd hand phones and can get £118 each for them (plus delivery is paid) so thought i'd offer them up at this price before i let them go

£118 (each) Plus £8.50 postage

Town/County : Whitland
Age : 46
Model owned : 306 Rallye,xsi-6 207 GT and a DC5
Dream Car : too many at the moment
Points : 39997
Date Joined : 2008-07-14

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