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306, 406 and ZX all rolled into 1, Badly! SWFCOLogo

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306, 406 and ZX all rolled into 1, Badly! SWFCOLogo
South Wales French Car Owners club
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306, 406 and ZX all rolled into 1, Badly!

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306, 406 and ZX all rolled into 1, Badly! Empty 306, 406 and ZX all rolled into 1, Badly!

Post by mark.evs Tue 08 Dec 2009, 22:11

1. Take 1 good 306 and a good V6 engine.
2. Mix them with the rear of ZX and let a blind man do some styling.
3. Let his blind friends loose on the interior.
4. Throw a sound system in the boot (literally).
5. Carve a letter box in the boot.

And u have yourself a show winner! - Or maybe not!
East Member

Town/County : Bridgend area
Age : 41
Model owned : 306 D-turbo Sport & GTi-6.
Dream Car : TVR Speed 12
Points : 12848
Date Joined : 2009-03-26

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306, 406 and ZX all rolled into 1, Badly! Empty Re: 306, 406 and ZX all rolled into 1, Badly!

Post by Ollie Tue 08 Dec 2009, 22:16

heh, to be fair, not a bad engine conversion, but it doesn't quite looked right, primer outside and those seats, well they're eye catching i'll give him that Very Happy

East Member

Town/County : Cardiff
Age : 41
Model owned : 306 GTi6 x2
Dream Car : 306 T16
Points : 11456
Date Joined : 2008-09-16

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306, 406 and ZX all rolled into 1, Badly! Empty Re: 306, 406 and ZX all rolled into 1, Badly!

Post by _Mike_ Wed 09 Dec 2009, 01:01

Another car that has been horrificly overpriced IMO Smile
Central Regional Leader

Town/County : Cross Hands
Age : 36
Model owned : 1998 306 GTi6 - VW Polo PD130
Dream Car : Still Deciding
Points : 14234
Date Joined : 2008-07-16

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306, 406 and ZX all rolled into 1, Badly! Empty Re: 306, 406 and ZX all rolled into 1, Badly!

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