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speedlines SWFCOLogo

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South Wales French Car Owners club
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speedlines SWFCOLogo
South Wales French Car Owners club
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speedlines Empty speedlines

Post by steven Sat 01 May 2010, 01:49

im after a swap really,im after a set off 309 speedlines prefer white ones but not really botherd,must av good tyres so i can drive home on them as i will swap these for them,brand new AVON TYRES ONLY DONE 120 MILES ON THEM alloys really clean
speedlines P1010420
also have a spare wheel with new tyre on the same

Getting Familier

Town/County : cheshire
Age : 40
Model owned : 309 gti
Dream Car : e30 m3
Points : 6800
Date Joined : 2009-09-27

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