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hks dumpvalve SWFCOLogo

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hks dumpvalve SWFCOLogo
South Wales French Car Owners club
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hks dumpvalve

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hks dumpvalve Empty hks dumpvalve

Post by jamjar1383 Wed 09 Mar 2011, 08:59

bought this a while back and used it on may xsara d turbo but when i sold the car the bloke asked me to remove it, i have sold the fitting kit but have the valve and 2 pipe adapters and 2 short bits of blus silicone pipe.

hks dumpvalve P1000793

hks dumpvalve P1000804
hks dumpvalve P1000795

looking on ebay these got for £80+ used
im only asking £40 +£8 postage
or collect from llanelli south wales.
Been Around A While

Town/County : llanelli
Age : 41
Model owned : 306 d-turbo
Points : 9922
Date Joined : 2009-05-19

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