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Golf 18" Alloys SWFCOLogo

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Golf 18" Alloys SWFCOLogo
South Wales French Car Owners club
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Golf 18" Alloys

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Golf 18" Alloys Empty Golf 18" Alloys

Post by Simon Sat 30 Apr 2011, 00:41

Set of 4 Golf Alloys 2 good tyres are being removed and sold other 2 are close to limit

Golf 18" Alloys IMAG0578
Golf 18" Alloys IMAG0580
Golf 18" Alloys IMAG0579
Golf 18" Alloys IMAG0581

I'm Open to offers and can post (UK mainland) for £ 35

To keep within forum rules i'll state a price of £200 but as above open to offers

P.S Dirt comes FREE OF CHARGE :whistle

Town/County : Whitland
Age : 46
Model owned : 306 Rallye,xsi-6 207 GT and a DC5
Dream Car : too many at the moment
Points : 39998
Date Joined : 2008-07-14

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