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G.I k&n Apollo enclosed induction & feed SWFCOLogo

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G.I k&n Apollo enclosed induction & feed SWFCOLogo
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G.I k&n Apollo enclosed induction & feed

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G.I k&n Apollo enclosed induction & feed Empty G.I k&n Apollo enclosed induction & feed

Post by tcgti6 Thu 11 Aug 2011, 02:16

Ok so I have recently updated from a simple open cone filter to a k&n apollo system with silicone tubing and a cold air feed from the rallye blank. I changed as I was worried about heat soak and wanted to free up the engine and although I am much happier with the result (& the noise Surprised ) now I just find myself worrying more about puddles and all and would rather go standard.

Therefore I am gauging interest on this setup, I will include all you see in the pics; The enclosed apollo filter itself, 76mm-70mm 90 degree silicone bend, a PVC pipe (from silicone to apollo), 102mm-76mm silicone reducer, 76mm aluminium hose joiner, the 76mm ducting, the black trumpet (built in to rallye blank, as you can see in pic) and finally all the t-clamps to hold it together. I also have another trumpet somewhere which I'll throw in if I can find it.

Looking for about £70 as all the parts cost me £50 without the filter itself.

Also looking for a standard airbox (for a rallye, if its different to the 6') so If someone has one and is interested I'm sure we can sort out some sort of deal with some cash my way.

G.I k&n Apollo enclosed induction & feed IMG_0403

G.I k&n Apollo enclosed induction & feed IMG_0404

G.I k&n Apollo enclosed induction & feed IMG_0401

G.I k&n Apollo enclosed induction & feed IMG_0398

G.I k&n Apollo enclosed induction & feed IMG_0396

G.I k&n Apollo enclosed induction & feed IMG_0394

Town/County : Fishguard
Age : 37
Model owned : 306 Rallye
Points : 5471
Date Joined : 2011-02-07

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G.I k&n Apollo enclosed induction & feed Empty Re: G.I k&n Apollo enclosed induction & feed

Post by tcgti6 Tue 16 Aug 2011, 03:02


Town/County : Fishguard
Age : 37
Model owned : 306 Rallye
Points : 5471
Date Joined : 2011-02-07

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