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106, 206, 306 saxo 16" OZ Superturimos wrc SWFCOLogo

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South Wales French Car Owners club
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106, 206, 306 saxo 16" OZ Superturimos wrc SWFCOLogo
South Wales French Car Owners club
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106, 206, 306 saxo 16" OZ Superturimos wrc

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106, 206, 306 saxo 16" OZ Superturimos wrc Empty 106, 206, 306 saxo 16" OZ Superturimos wrc

Post by dendle89 Thu 03 Nov 2011, 03:39

106, 206, 306 saxo 16" OZ Superturimos wrc
For sale are 16" oz superturimo wrc's.
All tyers are in good nick.
one rim has a few curb marks and two alloys are missing centre caps but can be bought from any car mod dealer for little expence.
these wheels will set any car off and only selling due to getting rid of my 306.

Will fit all for stud citroen and peugeot models

ring or text me on 07845399631

106, 206, 306 saxo 16" OZ Superturimos wrc IMAG0008
106, 206, 306 saxo 16" OZ Superturimos wrc IMAG0007

Getting Familier

Town/County : Swansea
Age : 35
Model owned : Peugeot 205 GTi MI16
Points : 6517
Date Joined : 2009-08-15

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106, 206, 306 saxo 16" OZ Superturimos wrc Empty Re: 106, 206, 306 saxo 16" OZ Superturimos wrc

Post by dendle89 Thu 22 Dec 2011, 22:18


Getting Familier

Town/County : Swansea
Age : 35
Model owned : Peugeot 205 GTi MI16
Points : 6517
Date Joined : 2009-08-15

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