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Opie Oils Competition - Samsung Tablet worth £399 SWFCOLogo

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South Wales French Car Owners club
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Opie Oils Competition - Samsung Tablet worth £399 SWFCOLogo
South Wales French Car Owners club
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Opie Oils Competition - Samsung Tablet worth £399

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Opie Oils Competition - Samsung Tablet worth £399 Empty Opie Oils Competition - Samsung Tablet worth £399

Post by oilman Wed 04 Mar 2015, 01:49

Enter Opie Oils competition before the end of March for your chance to WIN a Samsung Galaxy Tab S worth £399 > > >

To be in with a chance of winning simply follow this link to our competition page and answer our multiple choice question or click on the picture below:

Opie Oils Competition - Samsung Tablet worth £399 Samsungtabcomp

The team at Opie Oils would like to wish all that enter the best of luck.


Terms & conditions

- We DO NOT pass any of your details on, we only ask for your telephone number as primary contact for the winner.
- Entries must be over the age of 18 years old.
- Competition is free to enter with no purchase necessary.
- Closing date for entries is 12pm Tuesday 31st March 2014 in Great Britain.

Town/County : Cornwall
Age : 46
Model owned : Cupra
Points : 27031
Date Joined : 2009-01-10

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Opie Oils Competition - Samsung Tablet worth £399 Empty Re: Opie Oils Competition - Samsung Tablet worth £399

Post by oilman Thu 02 Apr 2015, 21:43

And the winner was.....

Andrew Owens from Nottingham, member of

Thank you to all who entered, if you fancy another go then make sure you enter our new spring competition > > >

Opie Oils Competition - Samsung Tablet worth £399 Opieoilspringcomp2015

Good luck to all that enter, it's a fantastic prize!

- Oilman

Terms & Conditions

- We DO NOT pass any of your details on, we only ask for your telephone number as primary contact for the winner.
- Entries must be over the age of 18 years old.
- Entries made by completing the above or by post to: Opie Oils, Spring 2015 Competition, Cardrew Industrial Estate, Redruth, Cornwall, TR15 1SS.
- Competition is free to enter with no purchase necessary.
- Competition started on the 31st March 2015, closing date for entries is 12 noon, Tuesday 30th June 2015 in Great Britain.
- The winner will be picked soon after, contacted and announced to all entries by email or by post.

Town/County : Cornwall
Age : 46
Model owned : Cupra
Points : 27031
Date Joined : 2009-01-10

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