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10" sealed subbox SWFCOLogo

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10" sealed subbox SWFCOLogo
South Wales French Car Owners club
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10" sealed subbox

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10" sealed subbox Empty 10" sealed subbox

Post by dodger1986 Sat 22 Nov 2008, 03:26

just seeing if anyones interested in a 10" sub box that it got from a few months ago, i decided not to use it, so its brand new, never had a sub installed (no drill holes). Here is the info:

* 10" 1.0cuft sealed box
* 3/4" MDF wood
* carpeted, pre-built with speaker binding-posts

their £30 online without postage, so im looking for £15

if anyone wants it they could pick it up or i could bring it along to the meet on the 30th .
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