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106 engine head/bottom end/4-2-1 etc SWFCOLogo

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106 engine head/bottom end/4-2-1 etc SWFCOLogo
South Wales French Car Owners club
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106 engine head/bottom end/4-2-1 etc

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106 engine head/bottom end/4-2-1 etc Empty 106 engine head/bottom end/4-2-1 etc

Post by curl666 Fri 19 Dec 2008, 21:34

Looks like im going to 16v the xsi, so all 8v engine and bits are up for sale:

The engine in the photo below is what is currently in the car, its a 1600 XSi head fitted to a 1400 xsi bottom end. Engine runs well, no problems, recent headgasket, belts, water pump, headbolts etc etc £100

If anyone wants the complete engine PM me.

Engine above will be split if no interest

1600 XSi head - £50

1400 XSi bottom end - £50

1400 XSi head - £30

Heat wrapped raceland manifold - £100 delivered

Silicone Blue Formula Power HT Leads 8mm - £25 delivered

Open to offers on any engine parts in the photos too, oil catch tank and strut brace not for sale

106 engine head/bottom end/4-2-1 etc Rocker2

106 engine head/bottom end/4-2-1 etc Rocker

No spam, genuine interest only
East Member

Town/County : Rhondda Valleys
Age : 36
Model owned : 1.3 106 Rallye & 16v 106 XSi project
Dream Car : one of the above finished :P
Points : 17966
Date Joined : 2008-07-16

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