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306 gti6 exhaust.Cheap as possible SWFCOLogo

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306 gti6 exhaust.Cheap as possible SWFCOLogo
South Wales French Car Owners club
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306 gti6 exhaust.Cheap as possible

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306 gti6 exhaust.Cheap as possible Empty 306 gti6 exhaust.Cheap as possible

Post by chrisj84 Sun 05 Apr 2009, 20:34

Hi, basically i'm looking for a middle section and backbox for my gti6.I'm not sure if they are any different depending on age but its a t reg 1999.Thanks

Town/County : merthyr tydfil
Age : 40
Model owned : gti6
Points : 5725
Date Joined : 2009-03-12

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306 gti6 exhaust.Cheap as possible Empty Re: 306 gti6 exhaust.Cheap as possible

Post by Abergavenny_306GTI6 Mon 06 Apr 2009, 04:01

whole exhuast up on the bay for 50 nicker and its in pontypool !!!!
East Member

Town/County : Abergavenny, South East Wales
Age : 39
Model owned : 306 GTI6 (ph1)
Dream Car : Dimma'd 306 or a 1976 RT Charger
Points : 7328
Date Joined : 2008-08-03

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