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Gti6 decat and mid section SWFCOLogo

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Gti6 decat and mid section SWFCOLogo
South Wales French Car Owners club
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Gti6 decat and mid section

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Gti6 decat and mid section Empty Gti6 decat and mid section

Post by Ollie Sat 11 Jul 2009, 19:47

Well, I was debating fitting this to my car but decided against it due to the noise.

Consists of: downpipe, de-cat pipe and straight through 'sports' center section. This will only fit the gti6 manifold and you'll need a backbox to finish the system off.
All made in stainless steel by powerflow.
Also includes a brand new 3 wire lambda sensor.

Will get some better pics up later today

Gti6 decat and mid section 7110_12


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Date Joined : 2008-09-16

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