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Wind deflectors 3door - Any Car SWFCOLogo

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Wind deflectors 3door - Any Car SWFCOLogo
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Wind deflectors 3door - Any Car

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Wind deflectors 3door - Any Car Empty Wind deflectors 3door - Any Car

Post by welsh_ben Wed 15 Jul 2009, 04:29

Right after recent success on some sites in seperate orders can now combine multiple orders so this thread is open to anyone who wishes to buy them for a car of thier choice as i have had a few pm's in regarding saxos mainly. These are for 3door cars only as 5door ones are more expensive again cause its via a different supplier.

£28posted to your door. Once the date has been set it will take 2 days after that to send the order to the supplier then it will take upto 5working days for the items to reach myself then ill take 1-3 days to get your items to the post office in which they will be sent via parcel force standard parcels and will take upto 4working days to reach yourself. Realistically from the day the order goes in to the day you recieve them you are looking at approx a maximum of 14working days

These are the ones which fit in the door channel itself and help give a sleek look to the car.they all have a dark tint look to them but can be painted a colour of your choice(by yourself)

Wind deflectors 3door - Any Car Car
Wind deflectors 3door - Any Car IMG00111-20090622-0902
Part Of The Furniture

Town/County : Bridgend
Age : 37
Model owned : hdi dts
Dream Car : Golf GT TDI
Points : 21926
Date Joined : 2008-07-14

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Wind deflectors 3door - Any Car Empty Re: Wind deflectors 3door - Any Car

Post by welsh_ben Thu 23 Jul 2009, 02:35

order going in monday asd last day to pay me will be tomorrow,unless you want to pay me at meet,i can get them for 99% of cars,


etc etc cant think of any other cars that are on here at the mo.
Part Of The Furniture

Town/County : Bridgend
Age : 37
Model owned : hdi dts
Dream Car : Golf GT TDI
Points : 21926
Date Joined : 2008-07-14

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