South Wales French Car Owners club
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*September * SALE * SWFCOLogo

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South Wales French Car Owners club
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*September * SALE * SWFCOLogo
South Wales French Car Owners club
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*September * SALE *

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*September * SALE * Empty *September * SALE *

Post by Simon Thu 03 Sep 2009, 21:59

for September a pair of window graphics will be £2.50 delivered and will include a free colour banner graphic (while stocks last)

send £2.50 payment to via paypal (as gift so club dont have the fees)

all payments recieved today/tomorrow will be sent out Saturday all others will be sent out after the 20th (im off on holiday)


Town/County : Whitland
Age : 46
Model owned : 306 Rallye,xsi-6 207 GT and a DC5
Dream Car : too many at the moment
Points : 39998
Date Joined : 2008-07-14

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