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s1 106 parts and various SWFCOLogo

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s1 106 parts and various SWFCOLogo
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s1 106 parts and various

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s1 106 parts and various Empty s1 106 parts and various

Post by Ben C Sat 06 Feb 2010, 07:27

bilstein o.e spec dampers, supposedly uprated over standard by 5% good condition only removed due to fitting B8 dampers. £35
s1 106 parts and various Bilsteins

pioneer 6 disk changer with cable, unfortunatly ive missed place the cartridge but are cheap enough on ebay, if i find it it will be included. £15
s1 106 parts and various Changer

backbox with 4inch tailpipe, came off my rallye ive just bought good condition £10
s1 106 parts and various Esahust2
s1 106 parts and various Exahust1

s1 rallye oil cooler, good condition £15
s1 106 parts and various Oilcooler

dash centre surround, could do with a clean £5
s1 106 parts and various P2050608

10mm spacer/shims with longer bolts can be used as tapered bolts or as flat seat bolts as they come with converting washers £25
s1 106 parts and various P2050615

4 compomotive centre caps brand new still in box, bought for my wheels but would not fit and as im changing my wheels no longer needed. £20
s1 106 parts and various P2050613
s1 106 parts and various P2050612

oil breather filter £4
s1 106 parts and various P2050611

8v top cambelt cover, could do with a clean £4
s1 106 parts and various P2050610

s1 glovebox hinges still in tact again could do with a clean £5
s1 106 parts and various P2050609

4 x s1 headlights, 2 drivers and 2 passenger side, glass not cracked but most are missing clips and no main bulbs possible sidelight bulbs. £5 each
s1 106 parts and various P2050617
s1 106 parts and various P2050618

3 x s1 indicators, 2 passenger and 1 drivers side, average condition. £2 each
s1 106 parts and various P2050619

driverside rear light cluster, broken at the bottom (see picture) not seen when fitted. £5
s1 106 parts and various Rearlight1
s1 106 parts and various Rearlight2

brand new springs not sure what they are off i bought them from local motor factors for a 1.4 106 to fit to my rallye as they couldnt supply rallye springs but jacked the ride height right up in the car so removed them, scuffs from fitting but in good condition, cost me £65 will sell them for £20
s1 106 parts and various Springs

s1 rallye top hose with oil cooler take offs, good condition £25
s1 106 parts and various Tophose

2 x drivers side wing mirror both good condition one is the later type with removable cap £8 each
s1 106 parts and various Wingmirrors

all prices do not include postage and packaging and if paying by paypal please add extra for paypal fees or send as a gift, more to be added soon once i sort the garage out at my parents house.

thanks Ben
Ben C
Ben C
West Member

Town/County : near carmarthen
Age : 38
Model owned : s1 106 rallye 16v
Dream Car : evo 7
Points : 8342
Date Joined : 2008-07-16

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s1 106 parts and various Empty Re: s1 106 parts and various

Post by CiaranMck Sun 07 Feb 2010, 06:34

May be intrested in a few bits if they're still kicking about on pay day!


Town/County : Lampeter
Age : 32
Model owned : Peugeot 106
Points : 5836
Date Joined : 2009-07-03

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s1 106 parts and various Empty Re: s1 106 parts and various

Post by Ben C Sun 07 Feb 2010, 11:51

ye let me know mate as need the stuff gone
Ben C
Ben C
West Member

Town/County : near carmarthen
Age : 38
Model owned : s1 106 rallye 16v
Dream Car : evo 7
Points : 8342
Date Joined : 2008-07-16

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s1 106 parts and various Empty Re: s1 106 parts and various

Post by Ben C Mon 08 Feb 2010, 08:27

oil breather filter and centre caps sold.
make me offers on stuff as need it gone to fund engine build
Ben C
Ben C
West Member

Town/County : near carmarthen
Age : 38
Model owned : s1 106 rallye 16v
Dream Car : evo 7
Points : 8342
Date Joined : 2008-07-16

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