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D8 3.0L V6, auto box and ancillaries SWFCOLogo

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D8 3.0L V6, auto box and ancillaries SWFCOLogo
South Wales French Car Owners club
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D8 3.0L V6, auto box and ancillaries

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D8 3.0L V6, auto box and ancillaries Empty D8 3.0L V6, auto box and ancillaries

Post by Grant Mon 08 Feb 2010, 07:30

D8 V6 for sale with autobox fitted and all ancillaries.

Also included are front subframe, suspension, driveshafts, ecu's, engine and half car loom (Split just behind front seats, and connections tagged), centre console, gear selector, pedal box, instruments, fuse box and all relays. In all pretty much everything you need for a complete conversion, that due to moving to a house without a pit and garage I can no longer carry out.

Paid £350 for it so open to offer of the same.

Pm me if you have any questions I will try to answer as quickly as I can.

Getting Familier

Town/County : Carmarthen
Age : 48
Model owned : 106 XND
Dream Car : 106 3.0 V6
Points : 6699
Date Joined : 2009-05-18

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