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s1 rallye engine loom and ecu any keypad SWFCOLogo

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s1 rallye engine loom and ecu any keypad SWFCOLogo
South Wales French Car Owners club
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s1 rallye engine loom and ecu any keypad

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s1 rallye engine loom and ecu any keypad Empty s1 rallye engine loom and ecu any keypad

Post by Ben C Sun 28 Feb 2010, 06:15

complete s1 rallye engine loom with locked ecu and keypad loom is all labeled so you will know what goes where, although the ecu is locked i have the correct code for it and apparently the code is also stored on the keypad so it is included also.
£85 delivered ono
s1 rallye engine loom and ecu any keypad P2270626
s1 rallye engine loom and ecu any keypad P2270625
Ben C
Ben C
West Member

Town/County : near carmarthen
Age : 38
Model owned : s1 106 rallye 16v
Dream Car : evo 7
Points : 8341
Date Joined : 2008-07-16

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s1 rallye engine loom and ecu any keypad Empty Re: s1 rallye engine loom and ecu any keypad

Post by Ben C Mon 01 Mar 2010, 03:43

now on ebay
Ben C
Ben C
West Member

Town/County : near carmarthen
Age : 38
Model owned : s1 106 rallye 16v
Dream Car : evo 7
Points : 8341
Date Joined : 2008-07-16

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