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15" alloys with good tyres SWFCOLogo

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15" alloys with good tyres SWFCOLogo
South Wales French Car Owners club
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15" alloys with good tyres

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15" alloys with good tyres Empty 15" alloys with good tyres

Post by freddy6868 Wed 24 Mar 2010, 08:04

Selling these for my brother as they came off his old 106 but he has moved up in the world with a four stud 106.
I don't know much about the wheels apart from they are white 3stud wheels one has a light curb mark (see pictures) and apart from that they are nice wheels and look great on the car. Two of the tyres are brand new (195/45/15) and have covered no more than 200miles on the front and the backs have about 3/4 of thier tread left. Looking for £175 ONO + delivery. Thanks for looking, John.
15" alloys with good tyres IMG0337A
15" alloys with good tyres IMG0331A
15" alloys with good tyres IMG0336A
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15" alloys with good tyres IMG0333A
15" alloys with good tyres IMG0334A
15" alloys with good tyres IMG0335A
15" alloys with good tyres IMG0330A
15" alloys with good tyres IMG0329A
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