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K&N now available to buy at SWFCOLogo

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South Wales French Car Owners club
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K&N now available to buy at SWFCOLogo
South Wales French Car Owners club
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K&N now available to buy at

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K&N now available to buy at Empty K&N now available to buy at

Post by oilman Sat 27 Mar 2010, 02:39

Opie Oils is pleased to announce that it's become an Approved K&N Dealer. You can now get Club Discounts on the full range of K&N Products!

To view the full range of K&N products available at Opie Oils, take a look here.

To assist you, we have various look-up tools on our site which select the correct K&N products for your car and they are as follows..

K&N Induction Kits
K&N Air Filters
K&N Oil Filters

With most systems warranted by K&N for 1,000,000 miles and K&N being the leader and originator of the high flow performance air filter we are sure you will be impressed.

Here at Opie Oils, we're excited about adding the great name of K&N to our range - with over 3,000 K&N products available from Opie Oils, there is no better place to buy with discounts.

If you've any questions about the K&N range (or anything else!) we're always happy to help. Give us a call on 01209 215164, send an email to or send us a PM.

The team at Opie Oils

Town/County : Cornwall
Age : 46
Model owned : Cupra
Points : 27133
Date Joined : 2009-01-10

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