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Mk1 clio bits SWFCOLogo

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Mk1 clio bits SWFCOLogo
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Mk1 clio bits

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Mk1 clio bits Empty Mk1 clio bits

Post by lesley2337 Mon 26 Apr 2010, 23:56

white valver bonnet - SOLD

Mk1 clio bits 2010-04-15171846
Mk1 clio bits 2010-04-15171903
Mk1 clio bits 2010-04-15171854

432 rear bumper - £10

Mk1 clio bits 2010-04-15172010
Mk1 clio bits 2010-04-15172021
Mk1 clio bits 2010-04-15172039
Mk1 clio bits 2010-04-15172052

Oil dials - £10

Mk1 clio bits 2010-04-15172147

Phase 2 rear lights - £10

Mk1 clio bits 2010-04-15172538

Phase 2 seats (no runners) - front and back - £50
can get pics of the back ones if wanted, still in the car at the mo

Mk1 clio bits 2010-04-15173101

Exhaust - was on my valver when i bought it but been told by previous owner its off an rsi - £20

Mk1 clio bits 2010-04-15172246

Brand New drivers side phase 2 rear trim (with all new clips) - not sure how much its worth... £20?

Mk1 clio bits 2010-04-15183038
Mk1 clio bits 2010-04-15183050
Mk1 clio bits 2010-04-15183058

Collection preferred on the big things please Smile
Offers welcome on everything

Getting Familier

Town/County : Bristol
Age : 38
Model owned : Clio
Points : 6197
Date Joined : 2010-01-14

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