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wheels and body panels and rearbeam SWFCOLogo

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wheels and body panels and rearbeam SWFCOLogo
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wheels and body panels and rearbeam

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wheels and body panels and rearbeam Empty wheels and body panels and rearbeam

Post by Ben C Thu 10 Jun 2010, 05:14

ive got a set of peugeot sport, 206 cup car wheels, compomotives mo recently powdercoated, 26ET will require 10mm spacers on the rear of the car to fit to a 106 can get away without on the front, but included in the sale are 2 10mm shimm/spacers and longer wheel bolts if i can find them (miss placed them at the moment). the finish on the powder coat is not perfect but not really noticable inless you get up close to them. Wheels are fitted with toyo t1-r's 2 of which have 3-4mm tread and the other 2 have about 7mm of tread. looking for £375
wheels and body panels and rearbeam P6050692
wheels and body panels and rearbeam P6050691
wheels and body panels and rearbeam P6050690
wheels and body panels and rearbeam P6050693

106 rallye bonnet in black, fitted with bonnet pins still has rallye decal fitted. paintwork is not perfect lots of stonechips etc and on the front edge has started to go rusty nothing abit of sandpaper and a respray wont cure. £15ono picture shows the bonnet very dirty i will give it a clean before it is sold
wheels and body panels and rearbeam P6090695

rallye rear drum beam, just removed from my car as im geting a disc rear beam. slight camber in the wheels so would require new beam bearings fitted recently had new slave cylinders fitted and bake shoes. also comes with handbrake cables. ideal as a spare or to rebuild. £35
wheels and body panels and rearbeam P6090696

106 rallye boot in black still has decals fitted, has holes init for a gti spoiler which can be supplyed for extra £15, has tigerseal sicking out around the glass where i didnt do a very good job of sticking the rear window in and tiger seal on the top edge where the spoiler was stuck down. comes with boot lock and window wiper motor and gas struts £20 or £35 with spoiler.
wheels and body panels and rearbeam P6090694

106 rear wiper motor comes complete with the wiring attached and the relay £10ono

set of 4 15mm hubcentric spacers unknown make i have been using them with the wheels above £40, can supply pictures but i think we know what hubcentric spacers look like

all prices do not include postage, can send the smaller items but would prefer the large bits picked up
Ben C
Ben C
West Member

Town/County : near carmarthen
Age : 38
Model owned : s1 106 rallye 16v
Dream Car : evo 7
Points : 8342
Date Joined : 2008-07-16

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wheels and body panels and rearbeam Empty Re: wheels and body panels and rearbeam

Post by Ben C Fri 11 Jun 2010, 09:28

can a mod move this in the right section please
Ben C
Ben C
West Member

Town/County : near carmarthen
Age : 38
Model owned : s1 106 rallye 16v
Dream Car : evo 7
Points : 8342
Date Joined : 2008-07-16

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wheels and body panels and rearbeam Empty Re: wheels and body panels and rearbeam

Post by MickeyVTS Fri 11 Jun 2010, 16:34

Done Smile
West Regional Leader

Town/County : Carmarthen
Age : 54
Model owned : '04 Xsara VTS
Dream Car : .
Points : 14597
Date Joined : 2009-03-31

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