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Glow plugs SWFCOLogo

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Glow plugs SWFCOLogo
South Wales French Car Owners club
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Glow plugs

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Glow plugs Empty Glow plugs

Post by Grant Sun 20 Jun 2010, 22:16

When I was sorting out the problems with the 106, I changed the glow plugs to see if they were at fault. After being sold the wrong Denso plugs from Euro Car Parts for £41, I decided to look on E Bay and found this guy

He's local and at £14.20 a set I thought they were worth a try. They are made by R-Power, TUV certified, in Italy. As I needed them at short notice he met me in Hendy before work to help me out Smile . If I have any probs I will post here but they look just as good as the last lot from Halfrauds.

He does a lot of cables as well.

Getting Familier

Town/County : Carmarthen
Age : 48
Model owned : 106 XND
Dream Car : 106 3.0 V6
Points : 6706
Date Joined : 2009-05-18

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