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any1 breaking a 306? SWFCOLogo

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any1 breaking a 306? SWFCOLogo
South Wales French Car Owners club
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any1 breaking a 306?

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any1 breaking a 306? Empty any1 breaking a 306?

Post by mark.evs Fri 09 Jul 2010, 23:41

I need a drivers seat, any condition/style cheap or free
Also after a small power steering pipe, it comes off the rack (the lower pipe) and bends round to go up into a rubber pipe. I crushed mine putting the subframe on. it comes out of the rubber pipe pretty easy.
Also a front suframe mount, the bit that bolts to the body and the main bolt passes up the middle of it.

Think thats it for now. cheers
East Member

Town/County : Bridgend area
Age : 41
Model owned : 306 D-turbo Sport & GTi-6.
Dream Car : TVR Speed 12
Points : 12848
Date Joined : 2009-03-26

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