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dta s40 ecu group buy SWFCOLogo

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dta s40 ecu group buy SWFCOLogo
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dta s40 ecu group buy

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dta s40 ecu group buy Empty dta s40 ecu group buy

Post by Ben C Mon 26 Jul 2010, 10:42

hi there im needing a dta s40 ecu for my 106 rallye with throttle bodies so just thought i would see if there is any intrest in a group buy.

i have spoken to mef on 106 rallye who supply's them and this is what was said
Hi Ben,

OK, thanks for the enquiry. Yes, £495 is a good price as it basically negates the VAT as the normal retail price is £495 + VAT = £581.

Saying that I would certainly give a further discount on a minimum of 5 units or more, best price I can do is £475 Plus £7.50 P&P each, connectors would be £25 each. Payment by electronic bank transfer, cheque or cash would be best.



so i need a minimum of 5 people for this to go ahead, i wont be ready my self to buy one for atleast 2 months so i will be running it for 2 months to see if their is intrest, maybe if we get more than 5 people a further discount could be negotiated. Add your name to the list if your intrested in one, deposit will have to be taken at some point but will have to discuss the best way to do that with martin.

1. Ben C

Ben C
Ben C
West Member

Town/County : near carmarthen
Age : 38
Model owned : s1 106 rallye 16v
Dream Car : evo 7
Points : 8323
Date Joined : 2008-07-16

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