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306 dturbo bits and gti 6 fans SWFCOLogo

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306 dturbo bits and gti 6 fans SWFCOLogo
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306 dturbo bits and gti 6 fans

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306 dturbo bits and gti 6 fans Empty 306 dturbo bits and gti 6 fans

Post by drako Thu 19 Aug 2010, 05:17

got a few bits i want shot off as there clutering my garage up.

x2 kkk turbos for a 306 turbo diesel in very good working order - £30 each or both for £40

inlet manifold with egr fitting - £15

alternator - £20

Gti6 twin fans which i never used because i crashed my car.

set of bosch and lucas injectors - £20 a set

Getting Familier

Dream Car : Supercharged Gti6!
Points : 6751
Date Joined : 2009-05-09

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306 dturbo bits and gti 6 fans Empty Re: 306 dturbo bits and gti 6 fans

Post by jamjar1383 Thu 19 Aug 2010, 06:46

i could do with a turbo and the inlet, would u be able to meet me half way or somthing?

or failing that how much for the 2 posted??
Been Around A While

Town/County : llanelli
Age : 41
Model owned : 306 d-turbo
Points : 9923
Date Joined : 2009-05-19

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306 dturbo bits and gti 6 fans Empty Re: 306 dturbo bits and gti 6 fans

Post by drako Fri 20 Aug 2010, 04:11

Where you from mate? I don't mind posting or meeting! Up to you!
Getting Familier

Dream Car : Supercharged Gti6!
Points : 6751
Date Joined : 2009-05-09

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306 dturbo bits and gti 6 fans Empty Re: 306 dturbo bits and gti 6 fans

Post by jamjar1383 Tue 31 Aug 2010, 06:30

sorry its taken a while to post bk, im in llanelli, i really need a turbo as i think mines on the way out (white smoke)
is there much play in the shafts on these turbo's??

really gotta get a spare for when it does let go.
Been Around A While

Town/County : llanelli
Age : 41
Model owned : 306 d-turbo
Points : 9923
Date Joined : 2009-05-19

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