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306 GTI-6 Leather seats and other bits SWFCOLogo

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306 GTI-6 Leather seats and other bits SWFCOLogo
South Wales French Car Owners club
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306 GTI-6 Leather seats and other bits

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306 GTI-6 Leather seats and other bits Empty 306 GTI-6 Leather seats and other bits

Post by mark.evs Fri 04 Feb 2011, 02:24

Taken from a 3dr gti-6 1998. £100 for the seats only.(door cards are seperate) It does need a clean, it's been parked up for 2 years. no rips tho, slight wear on drivers bolster as u can see in the pics but it's not holed.

306 GTI-6 Leather seats and other bits DSCF0033-1

306 GTI-6 Leather seats and other bits DSCF0032-1

306 GTI-6 Leather seats and other bits DSCF0030

Door cards with speaker pods, speakers and crossovers, Not tested as the car doesnt have a radio, but it's all FOCAL stuff so should be good. £30

306 GTI-6 Leather seats and other bits DSCF0036

306 GTI-6 Leather seats and other bits DSCF0034-1

306 GTI-6 Leather seats and other bits DSCF0037

306 GTI-6 Leather seats and other bits DSCF0038

306 GTI-6 Leather seats and other bits DSCF0039

Air bags, driver and passenger £15 each

306 GTI-6 Leather seats and other bits DSCF0042

306 GTI-6 Leather seats and other bits DSCF0044

Lexus rear lamps £20pair

306 GTI-6 Leather seats and other bits Snowday002

Car is being made into a track car so most trim is for sale, mechnical bits and brakes are not.
East Member

Town/County : Bridgend area
Age : 41
Model owned : 306 D-turbo Sport & GTi-6.
Dream Car : TVR Speed 12
Points : 12847
Date Joined : 2009-03-26

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306 GTI-6 Leather seats and other bits Empty Re: 306 GTI-6 Leather seats and other bits

Post by Simon Fri 04 Feb 2011, 05:11

I think i know someone who would want those speaker pods

Town/County : Whitland
Age : 46
Model owned : 306 Rallye,xsi-6 207 GT and a DC5
Dream Car : too many at the moment
Points : 39997
Date Joined : 2008-07-14

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