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1.9 8v gti engine peugeot 205 / 309 SWFCOLogo

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1.9 8v gti engine peugeot 205 / 309 SWFCOLogo
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1.9 8v gti engine peugeot 205 / 309

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1.9 8v gti engine peugeot 205 / 309 Empty 1.9 8v gti engine peugeot 205 / 309

Post by moz_goodwood_309 Fri 07 Nov 2008, 07:56

its a 1.9 8v gti, with 103,000 miles on the clock, twin weber 40 carb conversion (matched pair of carbs), k&n bolt on air filters (stainless steel face) two fuel regulators (so you can use the injection pump), all linkages and performance fule pipe, exhaust manifold, inlet manifold, new-ish spark plugs / leads, alternator, starter motor, etc, clutch has done approx 7000 miles since it was fitted and cam / alternator belts has the same milage on them

correctly jetted and tuned by aldon motorsport of brierly hill, westmidlands at a cost of around £350, the engine will come with everything bolted on it still so should drop straight in to yours

could do with an oil and filter change as apart from me starting it up and getting it to running temperature once a week it hasn't really been driven far for the last 6 months

any questions please feel free to ask and i shall try and answer them to the best of my knowledge

i dont have many decent pics but shall put up one anyway, the installation has changed slighty from these pics but only really in a tidying of the engine bay sort of affair, also the fuel pipe in the picture has now been upgraded to the one with a mesh running through the rubber

engine could do with a clean and a lick of paint to make it look good but i was only interested in it going well not looking well

price is £550 but all offers would be considered, if reasonable (try me the worst i can say is no)

just to give you a short break down of cost

carbs with all bits required to fit a pug 205 / 309 £350
rolling road tuning by aldons motorsport £350
decent 1.9 8v engine with all ancilliries £150
new belts and clutch £300 (if you cant do it yourself)

so total saving if bought at £550 is £600 (thats less than half price without the hassel)

1.9 8v gti engine peugeot 205 / 309 Carbsfitted


Getting Familier

Age : 40
Model owned : 309 goodwood gti
Dream Car : my goodwood with a s/c gti 6 engine
Points : 5963
Date Joined : 2008-09-24

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