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wanted 206 xsi/quicksilver jp4 16v engin SWFCOLogo

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wanted 206 xsi/quicksilver jp4 16v engin SWFCOLogo
South Wales French Car Owners club
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wanted 206 xsi/quicksilver jp4 16v engin

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wanted 206 xsi/quicksilver jp4 16v engin Empty wanted 206 xsi/quicksilver jp4 16v engin

Post by Ben C Fri 12 Dec 2008, 01:08

well im after a low milage jp4 engine from a 206/c2 and what other cars they might come in will want it in the new year sometime so i can start my engine build, dont want to pay S**T loads for it tho as there are a few low milage ones going on ebay for about £200 so not willing to pay much more than that really. let me know what you got or if you know of someone with one.
Ben C
Ben C
West Member

Town/County : near carmarthen
Age : 38
Model owned : s1 106 rallye 16v
Dream Car : evo 7
Points : 8323
Date Joined : 2008-07-16

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