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2 x sets of lowering springs SWFCOLogo

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2 x sets of lowering springs SWFCOLogo
South Wales French Car Owners club
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2 x sets of lowering springs

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2 x sets of lowering springs Empty 2 x sets of lowering springs

Post by freddy6868 Wed 17 Mar 2010, 09:15

For sale i have two sets of lowering springs that both lower a S2 106 rallye about 40mm they have been used and the paint has flaked off them but thwy work fine and have been removed due to suspention upgrades. I'm looking for £25 per pair + postage ovno. I can get picture if your intrested. Thanks for looking, John
Been Around A While

Town/County : Bridgend
Age : 35
Model owned : S1 cherry red 106 rallye
Dream Car : Mk1 escort
Points : 7224
Date Joined : 2008-09-02

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2 x sets of lowering springs Empty Re: 2 x sets of lowering springs

Post by freddy6868 Wed 24 Mar 2010, 08:00

Been Around A While

Town/County : Bridgend
Age : 35
Model owned : S1 cherry red 106 rallye
Dream Car : Mk1 escort
Points : 7224
Date Joined : 2008-09-02

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