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t3 turbo unit from Fuego 1.6 turbo SWFCOLogo

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t3 turbo unit from Fuego 1.6 turbo SWFCOLogo
South Wales French Car Owners club
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t3 turbo unit from Fuego 1.6 turbo

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t3 turbo unit from Fuego 1.6 turbo Empty t3 turbo unit from Fuego 1.6 turbo

Post by Turkish® Sun 11 Jul 2010, 23:31

i got this removed from a fuego turbo 2 years ago and been stored dry since .
tiny bit of play on the shaft but that was not causing the engine to smoke when
removed which has allready been sold seperately .

£50 + postage or pick up from penarth /

t3 turbo unit from Fuego 1.6 turbo S8004313

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