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radio code SWFCOLogo

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radio code SWFCOLogo
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radio code

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radio code Empty radio code

Post by Simon Sat 03 Jan 2009, 03:17

Post #1
The following method can be used on the standard Peugeot radio with a cassette head unit (PU1570A):


Pull the radio out so you can read the barcode/serials (there are 2 release points on the bottom of the unit, slightly in from the edges):

In this case, you take the last 4 digits of the lower barcode, 3 1 1 6

You now simply add 1 to the first number, 2 to the second, 3 to the third and 4 to the fourth.

3 + 1 = 4

1 + 2 = 3

1 + 3 = 4

6 + 4 = 10

Any number that ends up greater than 6 can't be entered on the radio, so you simply subtract 6 from it. So in the above example, the last number is 10, which can't be entered so 10 - 6 = 4

The code in this example is 4 3 4 4


If you are unable to enter the code, carry out the following:

1. Turn key to the first position. The screen should show " ---- "

2. Press and hold the radio button (wave sign). The screen should change to " ===="

3. Now wait until "Code In" is diplayed. This could be some time (90 mins)


If you have a Phase 3 stereo with the CD headunit (PU2294A):

Town/County : Whitland
Age : 46
Model owned : 306 Rallye,xsi-6 207 GT and a DC5
Dream Car : too many at the moment
Points : 39998
Date Joined : 2008-07-14

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radio code Empty Re: radio code

Post by jwgwales Sat 03 Jan 2009, 03:22

and the pug partswant a good bit of money to do that
East Member

Town/County : llangynidr
Age : 36
Model owned : 1.1 lx
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Date Joined : 2008-11-05

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radio code Empty Re: radio code

Post by Simon Sat 03 Jan 2009, 03:30

yeah about £20 now

Town/County : Whitland
Age : 46
Model owned : 306 Rallye,xsi-6 207 GT and a DC5
Dream Car : too many at the moment
Points : 39998
Date Joined : 2008-07-14

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radio code Empty Re: radio code

Post by _Mike_ Sat 03 Jan 2009, 11:47


I have one of those headusint in my garage that needs a code waiting to go back into my brothers car before he sell's it on shortly!
Central Regional Leader

Town/County : Cross Hands
Age : 36
Model owned : 1998 306 GTi6 - VW Polo PD130
Dream Car : Still Deciding
Points : 14234
Date Joined : 2008-07-16

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radio code Empty Re: radio code

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