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EGR removal guide - 1.9 DT and 2.0 HDI SWFCOLogo

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EGR removal guide - 1.9 DT and 2.0 HDI SWFCOLogo
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EGR removal guide - 1.9 DT and 2.0 HDI

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EGR removal guide - 1.9 DT and 2.0 HDI Empty EGR removal guide - 1.9 DT and 2.0 HDI

Post by welsh_ben Wed 20 May 2009, 03:31

Right considering there are so many popping up thought a guide with the 1.9dt lumps and withe 2.0hdi lumps Egr removals on 1 page will sort the problem for everyone,(pictures are courtesy of fellow members)
EGR stands for Exhaust Gas Recirculation.
EGR works by recirculating a portion of an engine's exhaust gas back to the engine cylinders. Intermixing the incoming air with recirculated exhaust gas dilutes the mix with inert gas, lowering the adiabatic flame temperature and (in diesel engines) reducing the amount of excess oxygen. The exhaust gas also increases the specific heat capacity of the mix lowering the peak combustion temperature. Because NOx formation progresses much faster at high temperatures, EGR serves to limit the generation of NOx. NOx is primarily formed when a mix of nitrogen and oxygen is subjected to high temperaturesMore Info

Whilst it is plugged in there is alot of oil and general sludge which leaves deposits such as the photo shows and this in bad for the car in general
EGR removal guide - 1.9 DT and 2.0 HDI Egrshite
EGR removal guide - 1.9 DT and 2.0 HDI Egrshite1

Not all 1.9dt models have them they only really came into effect in 1997/1998 so your car may not have it if its from 1993, same late phase1 models have been known to have them

Some people beleive it makes the car slightly faster and improves on MPG but has not been proven so its a myth.
EGR is stuck open then disconnecting it will have no effect

1.9DT removal of EGR valve

Located behind the battery you will find a green connection plug. Holding this on is a small metal clip. to take this off simply use a flat head screw driver and prise the clip carefully off,then once this clip has been removed simply pull downwards on the plug. EGR is now disconnected. With the dangling wire you can either leave it to tie it up to the closest object there is.
(Picture to follow shortly)
Pros - Revs appear more freely,less sludge in engine,less weight
Cons - Possible conrod failure(disclaimer at end)

2.0HDI removal of EGR valve

On the HDI models it is just beside the brake fluid just to left a bit
blue plug in pic.Again to take this out a simple flat head screw driver may be needed

EGR removal guide - 1.9 DT and 2.0 HDI Egrshite3
EGR removal guide - 1.9 DT and 2.0 HDI Egrshite4

get a long flat head screw driver and push the clip downwards, leave the screw drvier in there to act as a wedge then if you got small hands put your hands between the gap and simply pull back and itll come off in 1 piece
EGR removal guide - 1.9 DT and 2.0 HDI 100_0456

Pros - Revs appear more freely,less sludge in engine,less weight
Cons - Hotter exhaust gasses
Blank the system

Some of you out there may wish to completely get rid of this all together. This can be done by simply blanking the entry and exit systems as soon in the following picture. Removal of the EGR VALVE completely blanked off ports of exhaust and intake using little plates.

EGR removal guide - 1.9 DT and 2.0 HDI Egrshitesolution


To help with the engine and rev more freely for the 1.9dt you can buy a de-cat pipe.
parts needed are :PGG17
To help with the engine and rev more freely for the 2.0hdi there is not really a product off the shelf you can buy, best thing to do is either chop your cat in half and empty the platinum out then weld back together or cut the bubble section completely out and weld a piece of straight pipe in its place.


Everything written on here are from varies threads on the forum stated by other people and not myself.
Conrod failure - this has happened to a minority(approx 2% off members on here) of 1.9DT owners who in some circumstance disconnected the EGR valve and their car blew a conrod failure, where as others have driven for weeks then blown a conrod. Happend in a range of medium/high mileage cars. So do it at your own risk. I or the people behind will not take any responsibility due to actions you have taken with your car. Solely done at your own choice.
Part Of The Furniture

Town/County : Bridgend
Age : 37
Model owned : hdi dts
Dream Car : Golf GT TDI
Points : 21891
Date Joined : 2008-07-14

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EGR removal guide - 1.9 DT and 2.0 HDI Empty Re: EGR removal guide - 1.9 DT and 2.0 HDI

Post by welsh_ben Wed 20 May 2009, 03:32

Some high miler cars have been known to thorw a conrod the day after removal of the EGR valve on the 1.9dt

there is no factual or scientific link to prove this is the reason why it happens jsut pure coincidence

Alex is one member on here who blew a conrod after disconnecting it
Part Of The Furniture

Town/County : Bridgend
Age : 37
Model owned : hdi dts
Dream Car : Golf GT TDI
Points : 21891
Date Joined : 2008-07-14

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